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CoursesThe course will introduce you to the Theta healing technique. You will learn how to eliminate blockages ...
TreatmentsYou'll learn to do muscle test, get answers from your own subconscious, to connect with the energy of all that exists.
TestimonialsI have learned to recognize and express many of the values that are stored in and around us. And little by little, it took authority away from all negative. Lightness of Being is my description!
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Witch...One acquaintance dear to me, one of those with whom I went to Theta courses in the beginnin
HARPOSE© – Harmonization with personal purpose
HARPOSE© - Harmonization with personal purpose Balancing energy centers of the body (chakras), li
#Thoughts© – masterclass by Tomislav
Prequisite: that you know how to work on yourself, any technique. This seminar was created to help y
Certificate of Science – 2012.
Certificate of Science Here is a collection of places you can buy bitcoin online right now.
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